The Dev channel has been updated to 25.0.1324.1 (Platform versions 3196.1.0 for most platforms and 3196.2.0 for Samsung Chromeboxes) for all Chrome OS devices. This build contains a number of stability fixes. [Updated 5:18pm PST with additional highlights.]

Release highlights:

  • Pepper Flash updated to releases for new Samsung Chromebooks and for all other platforms
  • App List now supports re-ordering
  • Extended Desktop Support (extend your desktop / mirror displays)
  • Intelligent Window positioning (if you don't manually move your windows, we will arrange them to show you more at all times)
Known issues:
  • Audio on some systems may be distorted when playing a single audio stream for a long period of time, or when playing audio on multiple tabs. (Issue 35464)
  • "Allow proxies for shared networks" is enabled by default. (Issue 157420)
  • New Samsung Chromebook systems may be unable to connect via ethernet in some situations. Workaround: Restart the system with the ethernet connected to the Chromebook.  (Issue 36328)
  • On the Settings tab when modifying your avatar image, or when creating a new user, the camera LED may remain illuminated for several seconds after leaving the page.

If you find new issues, please let us know by visiting our help site or filing a bug. Interested in switching channels? Find out how. You can submit feedback using ‘Report an issue...’ in the Chome menu (3 horizontal bars in the upper right corner of the browser).

Danielle Drew
Google Chrome